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Our #HomeIsHere

DACA was the first time I got a taste of what it could mean to live a full life.

On November 12, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the future of DACA and DACA recipients. The justices are expected to rule any time between now and June of 2020. Meanwhile, the 700,000 DACA recipients around the country are doing everything they can to keep their families together and remain in the only country they’ve ever known as home. No one knows how the Supreme Court will rule. What we do know is that anyone who has or has had DACA is still eligible to renew. We urge those people to do so immediately, and also to not lose hope. This fight is far from over.

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The Numbers

20 years

is the average length of time a DACA recipient has lived in the U.S.

1.5 million people

share a home with a DACA recipient.

$8.8B tax dollars

are paid by DACA recipients and their households.

More ways to help



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DACA renewals can protect DACA recipients and we are fighting to keep it. Support and protect DACA recipients today by helping cover their renewal fees, which are currently $495 per application.


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